From a/z and back again

A devoted wink to our lovely contributors who reveal their inspirations and seductive anecdotes

Mirene Arsanios

“...I also realize that sex is war's best counterpart. Beirut exists between these two poles.”

Charles Usher

“Like so much else of Seoul's sexuality, though, to see it you have to know when and where to look.”

Oscar Van Den Boogaard

“The city became the city of faces, and faces opened up the way to bodies. I wanted to get to know them all.”

Didem Yazıcı

“You played with your tongue, lips and mouth as if the body in front of you was a delicious piece of cake you hesitated to eat with hunger.”

Kenneth Anger

“Basically sex is just one of the things I’m interested in.”

João Pedro Rodrigues

“People sometimes think obsession is something negative, but for me it’s a positive thing.”
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Talk of the Town

You are very welcome to stroll the streets of the cities we visit and taste the sweet delights and crisp surprises

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