Wielding the powerful skill of balance – between vulnerability and strength, between quiet tenderness and blunt passion – reading Roelof ten Napel’s writing is a gently penetrating and compelling experience. Whether we are drawn in to the familiar images in his poetry collection Days in the House, or follow the uncompromising story (and questions) of love and tension in A Son Of, Roelof’s intelligent and generous style always leaves ample space for his readers to insert ourselves into the narratives. As a giving writer he trusts us to project our own understandings into his works, creating a truly intimate reading experience. For Extra Extra no. 20, Roelof wrote the short story ‘His Places’. Across several fragments, he takes us by the hand through everyday spots in the city; the bookstore, the stoplight, the tram, and imbues as much erotic care into the making of a morning coffee as he does into details of provocative sexual encounters.