

A Fondness for Daniel

  Wednesday, the 26th of October Dear Daniel, You’ve commanded much of my attention lately – commanded, because I’ve been hard pressed to think of…

Short Story


She was surprised by the attention she got. The sex appeal of male writers increases as they become more famous, but it doesn’t seem to work that way for…

Short Story


Of course, Suzy didn’t want to hurt him. Of course, this wasn’t proof of diminishing love for her husband, but she couldn’t miss the opportunity of a night like…

Extra Reading

Detective Story

It’s a universal fact that we all carry secrets, whether they be frivolous pieces of gossip or deeper, darker truths. Within detective fiction, one becomes privy to all sorts of…

Protagonist of the Erotic

Julia Kristeva – The Abject and the Maternal Erotic

  One of the most touching compliments I received, a long time ago, was when a shy young man blurted out: ‘You look like the young Kristeva!’ This happened on…

Extra Reading

Graphic Novels

It verges on tautology to state that comic art and caricature overlap. The idioms in which graphic novelists tell their stories always contain traits of satirical, humorous oeuvres that came…


Sanam Khatibi

Some Thoughts On...

Confessions Of Lurker

A/N or ‘author’s note’ is a term used in fan fiction. It can come at any point across the length of a fan work. A/Ns are used to convey…

Long Read Interview

Parasite 2.0 on Playing with Expectations and Props for Performing Otherwise

The modernist notion of sensuality is perhaps epitomised by the splayed green marble walls of Mies van der Rohe’s Barcelona Pavilion, or the exuberant black onyx in Adolf Loos’s…

Long Read Interview

Meg Stuart on Embracing Mystery and Unfolding Questions

Meg Stuart’s oeuvre is an atlas of emotions. Each choreographic work charts a new territory, within which shifting affective and physical states play out. Bodies come together in…

Short Story

TAKING THE COMFORTABLE LIFT   Agnieta stops, her legs tired, her arms feeling heavy. The service lift broke down yesterday, but under no circumstances is she allowed to use the…

Long Read Interview

Boris Charmatz on Permeability and Contradictions

Following internationally acclaimed choreo-grapher and dancer Boris Charmatz’s trajectory over the last decade has been an utter pleasure. His interest in movement and choreography and his fresh approach to…

Some Thoughts On...

The Pervert’s Guide to Architecture

Lupanare Grande fig 1: City of Sin For many people, the term ‘City of Sin’ is associated with Amsterdam’s red-light district. Las Vegas might also…

Sugar Rush

Sugar Rush #3 – Conversation Piece

Exposing one’s body to the risks of close proximity with others – together with the precarious state one’s system of beliefs enters into – is often life-changing. At the very…

Short Story


Every profession has its own opportunities for erotic encounters. There are plenty of stories about doctors, gynaecologists, window-cleaners, postmen. Let me add art dealers to the list. It…

Some Thoughts On...

Art of the Peepshow

A fence closes the entrance to the Erocity building on the Kuiperskaai, Ghent. fig 1: Erocity On 19 March 2015, the Flemish tabloid Het Laatste Nieuws…

Some Thoughts On...

The Phonetics of Lust: From Lustful Plosives to Sensual Labials

The beloved ‘Hootie’ logo received a modern makeover, giving the iconic owl a sleek new look that embodies the brand’s contemporary transformation while keeping in line with its…

Long Read Interview

Mette Ingvartsen on Estranged Understandings of Bodies and Objects

We agreed to meet at L’Espérance on Rue du Finistère; this infamous hotel with its luscious art deco style is reminiscent of Brussels’ mundane days of times gone by. ‘Espérance’…

Long Read Interview

Miet Warlop on Attractive Flaws in Paradise

Creating a portrait of Miet Warlop would be impossible. How could you pin down someone whose essence is so mobile? You could call her restless, but fluid would be…

Short Story

A Magnificent Elbow

The lights were dim. I could smell the chlorine from the bar. Bar. Business Center. Fitness Room. Pool: All in the same hallway. The bartender shot me…
