Issue No 10
€ 15,00
Hold in your hands the steamy Extra Extra n°10. Luscious and seductive voices: together with Allan Tannenbaum, travel in time and revive Studio 54. Let fashion designer Victor Barragán ruffle your expectations. Accompany filmmaker Bertrand Mandico to an island of pleasures in Les Garçons Sauvages. Or blossom with Charlotte Schleiffert’s drawings on metamorphosis. Sticking out her tongue, performance artist Ieva Misevičiūtė discusses tangents, verticality. Indeed, the tongue, a lavish subject, is explored by Agnieszka Piotrowska within the pool of monstrous passions. Finally, with Laura Sangrà we land on the edges of Barcelona’s bristly poetry, staring at the sky’s flaming tassels.